And Mae makes 5 . . .

Well, we did it. We came a long way, and we now have Mae. It was a pretty tiring, yet exhilirating day. We went to the Civil Affairs office, about a 20 minute bus ride, to have the babies presented to us. We were the fourth family. The building was broiling hot -- everyone, including the babies, was sweating. After a short wait, they began the process and started calling families' names. They called ours, put Mae in Melissa's arms, and there she was, chubby cheeks and all. From the moment they put her into Melissa's arms at 3:30 or so until right now, at 10:30, Mae has been completely content, acting as if she has known us all along. And, notably, living up to her Chinese name -- peaceful and elegant (Jing Jun). We sent her a care package about a month ago, which included a soft little photo album with our pictures in it, among other things (coincidentally, Henry was wearing the same shirt today he had on in one of the pictures). We were wondering if maybe that really helped her with recognizing us. She is so inquisitive and curious. She notices everything! We were on the bus back to the hotel and her head was shooting back and forth from side to side, looking at the things going by the windows. When we got back to the hotel, we sat her down, amazed that she could sit up so easily, and then she proceeded to amaze us further by pushing herself up and crawling to Henry! Then she got to giggling (she's ticklish, we've found already). We couldn't be happier. Here is the link to the pictures from the day . . . Like the other sets, they're in reverse chronological order for some reason, so the two with her in the pink pajamas were the most recent pictures, taken around 6:30 or so. Enjoy. We certainly are.
By the way, sorry to post so late -- I fell asleep while putting Henry to bed. We'll be off to finalize the adoption tomorrow morning at 8:30.
All the best,
Rich, Melissa, Henry and Mae
I have been waiting very patiently (feverishly clicking 'refresh' every 5 minutes for the past 6 hours!) to see this post. Yippee! She is just beautiful. You are now officially, "Caira, Party of Five." Yippee again! Can't wait to get to meet her in person. Big hugs to everyone! Love, Lori
YEAH!!! Congratulations! Mae looks so happy!! It is an awesome experience. I can't wait to meet all of you! I was telling Reilly all about Henry being in China and how he will go when Caden is older. He was very excited. I still can't believe the chunky legs on Mae! Caden was so tiny - not thin but no chubby legs that's for sure. Continue to enjoy yourselves! I can't wait to read more about the days to come ! Lynne
I have been wondering how the new family of five is doing! Melissa, It looks like you are never going to let her go! She is a blessed little girl! She looks natural sitting in Daddy's lap! Henry looks like happy big brother!!
Can't wait to meet her!
Congratulations !!!!! Those pictures are absolutely amazing! (The one where they are handing Mae to you, Melissa - makes me cry every time I look at it!) She looks like she has been a part of your family her whole life. She looks so comfortable with all of you (Already horsing around with Henry too! Love that picture!). We are all thrilled here. She is beautiful, and we can't wait to see that smile in person!!!
All our love,
Deb, Ed, Caroline, and Paige
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